Pro Plan

Pro Plan includes all 100+ courses in Pest Daily. These courses are designed to support the growth of your pest control and wildlife company. Learn sales, marketing, operations, hr, finance, accounting and more.

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Answers to the toughest growth challenges at your finger tips!
New courses available weekly from top pest control business experts!
We are always here for you. Have an idea for a new course, let us know and we will build it!

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With this amazing product I was able to achieve some amazing results in a short period of time

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Courses to help you grow!

There are 70+ courses and 300+ lessons that support your growth. New courses are added all the time!

How to do a SWOT Analysis for Service Managers

Value: $197 Included!

Service managers are constantly juggling a ton of tasks and dealing with challenging situations, which can make it difficult to stay proactive. In this course, we’ll teach you how to regain control of your time by performing a SWOT analysis.

David Gilmer 2 Lessons Service Operations

Preventing Technician Burnout for Service Managers

Value: $197 Included!

Knowing how to prevent technician burnout is an important skill for service managers to have, but it’s not always easy! In this course, you’ll learn how to keep your team motivated and engaged even during the busiest times of the year.

David Gilmer 2 Lessons Service Operations

Addressing Customer Complaints & Accusations

Value: $197 Included!

e you ever had a customer accuse one of your technicians of property damage or theft? In this course, you’ll learn how to handle these stressful situations, resolve the issues efficiently and protect your business and your reputation.

David Gilmer 2 Lessons Service Operations

Hot topics in pest control web design

Value: $197 Included!

In pest control, your website is key to your success. In this course, you’ll learn about the hottest topics in pest control web design including how to minimize the risk of an ADA lawsuit, how to select a platform and much more.

Kyle Scott 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Top ways to win in pest control SEO

Value: $197 Included!

SEO is critically important for owner/operators seeking to grow their pest control companies. In this course, you’ll learn the top ways to win in pest control from an SEO standpoint and get the lowdown on how AI is changing the SEO game.

Kyle Scott 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Best ways to improve your pest control advertising efficiency

Value: $197 Included!

The landscape of advertising in pest control is changing rapidly and it’s important to make your ad spend as efficient as possible. In this course, you’ll learn how to get the most bang out of your advertising buck and avoid wasting your money.

Kyle Scott 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Tracking customer retention for service managers

Value: $197 Included!

When it comes to customer retention, understanding and managing churn is crucial. In this course, you'll learn how to analyze customer cancellations, implement strategies to reduce churn and improve retention rates.

David Gilmer 3 Lessons Service Operations

Time management for service managers

Value: $197 Included!

Service managers always have tons of tasks on their plates and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed sometimes. In this course, you'll learn six key time management strategies to revolutionize your workflow and achieve a better work-life balance.

David Gilmer 3 Lessons Service Operations

Performing annual reviews

Value: $197 Included!

David Gilmer 3 Lessons Service Operations

Innovative recruiting practices

Value: $197 Included!

Feeling frustrated with no-show candidates and lackluster responses to your job postings? In this course, you’ll learn proactive recruitment strategies to attract top talent along with fresh new techniques that will transform your hiring process.

David Gilmer 3 Lessons Service Operations

Identifying and understanding customer cancellations

Value: $197 Included!

When it comes to retention, figuring out why customers cancel is critical. In this course, you'll discover how to group these reasons into clear categories, improving accountability and providing valuable insights to help decrease cancellation rates.

David Gilmer 4 Lessons Service Operations

Customer communication: The three Ws

Value: $197 Included!

In a customer-facing business like pest control, effective communication is key to success. Our informative course explains how to teach your technicians the “three Ws” method to ensure customer satisfaction and enhance service delivery.

David Gilmer 3 Lessons Service Operations

Creating and maintaining a safety-first culture

Value: $197 Included!

In pest control, safety is everything but it can be challenging to get everyone on your team on board. In this course, you’ll learn how to build a robust safety program that will ensure your company is protected from unforeseen liabilities.

David Gilmer 3 Lessons Service Operations

Momentum 2023

Value: $197 Included!

Ready to gain valuable insights on managing and growing your wildlife control company? Learn from the experts at the 2023 AAC XclusionPro Conference.

Seth Garber 11 Lessons Events

Wealth management

Value: $197 Included!

Understanding wealth management is vital for business owners, especially if they want to sell their companies someday. Learn the basics in this course.

Nick Bartolo 9 Lessons M&A

Wealth advisory for mid-career pest control owners

Value: $197 Included!

Are you a mid-career pest control owner? Our course teaches you tax mitigation and retirement strategies and how forecasting can help you plan ahead.

Nick Bartolo 7 Lessons M&A

Wealth advisory for pest control owners before and after a business sale

Value: $197 Included!

Thinking of selling your pest control company someday? In this course, learn how a wealth advisory firm can help you both before and after the sale.

Nick Bartolo 7 Lessons M&A


Value: $197 Included!

Due to their elusive behavior, destructive feeding habits and ability to thrive in humid conditions, silverfish can be a headache. This course will teach you about their biology, how to spot and control them and how to offer more value to customers.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations


Value: $197 Included!

Aside from being annoying, mosquitoes can spread disease and their ability to breed rapidly makes them difficult to manage. In this course, you’ll learn basic mosquito biology and identification, control methods and ways to add value to customers.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations


Value: $197 Included!

Rodents pose problems because they can carry diseases, contaminate food and cause structural damage. Plus, they multiply fast. In this course, you’ll learn their basic biology, how to identify and control them and how to add value to customers.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations

Clover Mites

Value: $197 Included!

Clover mites can invade structures in large numbers and while they don’t cause structural damage, they can be a major nuisance. In this course, you’ll learn their biology, how to spot and control them and how to offer value to your customers.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations


Value: $197 Included!

Fleas can be a problem for pets but they can also impact humans due to their ability to transmit diseases and rapidly multiply. This course teaches you basic flea biology and identification, control methods and tips for providing value to customers.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations


Value: $197 Included!

Ticks are a major public health threat and are responsible for spreading more than a dozen diseases, some of which can be fatal. In this course, you’ll learn basic tick biology and identification, control methods and how to add value to customers.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations

Small Flies

Value: $197 Included!

Small flies can infest spaces quickly and cause sanitation issues. And because they breed fast in hidden areas, they’re hard to eliminate. In this course, you’ll learn fly biology and identification, control methods and how to add value to customers.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations

Large Flies

Value: $197 Included!

Due to their rapid breeding cycles, potential to transmit disease and ability to contaminate food, large flies can pose even larger problems. Learn about their biology and how to identify and control them in our two-part course.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations


Value: $197 Included!

Stinging insects can be highly dangerous - especially for people with allergies - and when nesting in busy areas, they can be aggressive if disturbed. Learn more about stinging insect biology, identification and control methods in this course.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations

Subterranean Termites

Value: $197 Included!

Subterranean termites can cause severe structural issues and their ability to hide for long periods can result in costly damage. Learn basic termite biology and identification, control methods and ways to add value to your service in this course.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations

Drywood Termites

Value: $197 Included!

Due to their ability to establish colonies in wooden structures and cause property damage, drywood termites pose major problems. In this course, you’ll learn about their biology, how to identify and control them and how to add value to customers.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations


Value: $197 Included!

Ants are something we deal with frequently in pest control. In this course, you’ll learn basic ant biology and the types of ants you’ll find around the U.S. along with common methods of controlling them and new ways to add value to your customers.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations

German roaches

Value: $197 Included!

Between causing respiratory issues and spreading disease, German roaches are a major public health concern. In this course, you’ll learn the basics of roach biology and identification and how to control them so you can add value to your services.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations

Bed bugs

Value: $197 Included!

Bed bugs can wreak havoc on homes and businesses and because they’re such great hitchhikers, they can be hard to control. In this lesson, you’ll learn basic bed bug biology and identification, control methods and how to add value to your customers.

Joe Jonovich 2 Lessons Service Operations

Income statement above the line

Value: $197 Included!

When it comes to understanding your finances, there’s no better place to start than with your income statement. In under 15 minutes, you’ll learn all about these important documents and how they can help you plan for the future.

Cameron Smith, CPA 5 Lessons Accounting

Income statement below the line

Value: $197 Included!

We all know you have to spend money to make money, but if you don’t understand where that money is going, you could end up in trouble. In 15 minutes, you’ll learn about the different expenses you’ll have as a business owner and how to analyze them.

Cameron Smith, CPA 5 Lessons Accounting

Income statement: simple analysis

Value: $197 Included!

Your income statement provides lots of valuable information and once you understand the basics of profitability ratios and comparative analysis, you’ll be able to assess your company’s financial health and plan ahead. Learn more in just 15 minutes.

Cameron Smith, CPA 3 Lessons Accounting

Balance sheet: overview

Value: $197 Included!

Want to know how your business is performing at a specific point in time? Look no further than your balance sheet. In under 15 minutes, we’ll explain balance sheets, their main components and how they fit together to paint a clear financial picture.

Cameron Smith, CPA 4 Lessons Accounting

Financial ratios

Value: $197 Included!

Profitability ratios and liquidity and solvency ratios can provide key insights on the financial well-being of your business. In this 16-minute course, you’ll learn more about these ratios and how to analyze them to make informed decisions.

Cameron Smith, CPA 4 Lessons Accounting

Cash flow statement

Value: $197 Included!

When you’re running a pest control company, understanding your statement of cash flows is vital. It’s the best way to see what’s coming in and what’s going out and in 15 minutes, we’ll teach you how to analyze this important financial statement.

Cameron Smith, CPA 4 Lessons Accounting

Pest Daily Introduction

Value: $197 Included!

Pest Daily is your one-stop shop for business training designed specifically for pest control companies and individual operators! In just 20 minutes, learn why we created Pest Daily, what it’s all about, and what’s in it for you.

Seth Garber 6 Lessons  

CSR - Scenario Training

Value: $197 Included!

In pest control, we have to solve some really off-the-wall problems! Everyone who deals with customer service needs to be prepared. This course shares how to handle customer calls in the most efficient manner for both your customers and your business

Seth Garber 18 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Powerful Prospecting

Value: $197 Included!

Prospecting isn’t easy, but if you want to be successful and continue growing your business, it’s an absolutely essential activity. In under 25 minutes, we’ll go over the elements of powerful prospecting, how to do it and what the payoff can be.

David Johnson 3 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Writing Service Protocols

Value: $197 Included!

Don’t wait too long to get your protocols in writing! In under 30 minutes, technical pest expert and CEO of Technical Pest Solutions Joe Jonovich, shares why writing great service protocols is so important and how to do it right.

Joe Jonovich 1 Lessons Service Operations

Excelling in the offseason

Value: $197 Included!

How often have you found yourself struggling to hit your numbers in the offseason? It’s a common problem in pest control but it doesn’t have to defeat you. In 25 minutes, we’ll teach you how to survive - and even thrive - in the slowest months.

David Johnson 5 Lessons  

Cross Sell, Upsell - Win!

Value: $197 Included!

Your current customers are the key to unlocking revenue and growing your business quickly. In under 20 minutes, this course helps you win with practical tips for leveraging tasteful cross-selling and upselling tactics that work.

Seth Garber 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Application economics

Value: $197 Included!

Chemicals are one of the top expenses for pest control companies and if they’re not being applied correctly, you could be wasting money. In 15 minutes, we’ll explain the basics of application economics and why they’re important for your bottom line.

David Johnson 3 Lessons Service Operations

Selling Specialty - Industrial Real Estate

Value: $197 Included!

Industrial real estate accounts can change your business and help you grow fast. One entity owns all the industrial businesses inside their park; sell that owner and you’ve scored a GIANT win. Seth shares exactly how to make that big sale.

Seth Garber 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

The sales slump

Value: $197 Included!

Sales slumps happen to everyone. And when you can’t figure out what’s going wrong and a bad week turns into a bad month, it can be very frustrating. In 15 minutes, we’ll break down the elements of a sales slump and teach you how to right the ship.

David Johnson 3 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Networking: The sales professional’s key to success

Value: $197 Included!

If you want to be successful in the pest control industry, networking is an essential activity. But what does it really mean to network and how can you be sure that you’re doing it effectively? In one hour, we’ll teach you exactly how to do it.

David Johnson 8 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Accountability in your operation

Value: $197 Included!

Whether your goals are personal or professional, having accountability measures in place is key to helping you achieve them. So how do you create these measures? In 25 minutes, we’ll show where to start and how to set yourself up for success.

David Johnson 4 Lessons Service Operations

Building a Best In-Class Business

Value: $197 Included!

In this mini course, industry pro Trey Minskey (Commercial Lines Producer for Christian Baker Insurance and NWCOA partner) explains how having procedures and an established company culture can help your business get better insurance coverage.

Trey Minsky 1 Lessons Insurance

The art of setting goals

Value: $197 Included!

Goal setting is an essential practice that can go a long way in supporting the growth of your pest control company - but it’s not always easy! In under 35 minutes, we’ll teach you how to create goals that will guide you on the path to success.

David Johnson 5 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Financial statements and their components -762.1

Value: $197 Included!

Course description: Financial statements can seem complicated. The good news is that once you understand the basics and the terminology, you’ll be able to make informed decisions that will help you grow your company.

Cameron Smith, CPA 9 Lessons Accounting

Bookkeeping - closing the books

Value: $197 Included!

Bookkeeping isn’t something most pest control professionals enjoy. However, understanding your numbers is critical if you’re planning to grow your company. In less than five minutes, our course will teach you why bookkeeping is well worth your while.

Cameron Smith, CPA 3 Lessons Accounting

Why good sales people fail

Value: $197 Included!

Sales isn’t easy and even people who are good at it will inevitably fail sometimes. However, by understanding why winners win, learning to avoid pitfalls and developing the right mindset, you’ll be on the road to sales success in under 45 minutes.

David Johnson 5 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Budgeting and cash management

Value: $197 Included!

Budgeting and cash management can be challenging. However, if you’re looking to scale up, learning how to manage your finances and set goals is key to reaching the next level. In under five minutes, our course teaches you how to budget like a pro.

Cameron Smith, CPA 3 Lessons Accounting

Insurance - Demystifying the General Liability Policy

Value: $197 Included!

Commercial insurance coverage can be complicated! In this quick 5-minute course, Trey Minskey (Commercial Lines Producer for Christian Baker Insurance) explains CGL policies, how to mitigate claims, and ratings structures.

Trey Minsky 3 Lessons Insurance

Insurance - Commercial Auto and Fleet Management

Value: $197 Included!

Commercial insurance can be complicated! In this quick 5-minute course, Trey Minskey shares easy ways to promote safe driving practices while also getting the best insurance coverage and premiums!

Trey Minsky 5 Lessons Insurance

Insurance - Workmans Compensation

Value: $197 Included!

Commercial insurance can be complicated and expensive. In this 5-minute course, insurance pro Trey Minskey, (Commercial Lines Producer for Christian Baker Insurance) helps us get a handle on one of the trickiest insurance issues—workers’ compensation

Trey Minsky 4 Lessons Insurance

Establishing Corporate Partnerships

Value: $197 Included!

You’ve signed one of the biggest commercial accounts in your area…now how do you get that company’s employees to use you for residential service as well? This course holds the key! In under 20 minutes, Seth shows you the way.

Seth Garber 5 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Making the Save – Preventing Cancellations

Value: $197 Included!

A customer has called in wanting to cancel. Do you know how to make the save? In just half an hour, Seth shares 5 key methodologies (and role plays through them) to help you support and save customers who are considering a cancellation.

Seth Garber 12 Lessons Customer Service

SBA Lending for Pest Control Companies

Value: $197 Included!

SBA loans help pest control businesses do more than just get started. In under 20 minutes, money expert Dave Otteson (Live Oak Bank’s VP of Pest Control Lending) shares some super helpful ideas for how to grow your pest control business using the SBA

Dave Otteson 9 Lessons M&A

San Juan Session - Succession Planning

Value: $197 Included!

Planning for the future is vital! In this exclusive Pest Daily mini-course, Paul Giannamore, Managing Director of the Potomac Group, chats with his Boardroom Buzz co-host Patrick Baldwin about the challenges of succession planning.

Seth Garber 1 Lessons M&A

Removing the mystery from SEO

Value: $197 Included!

Search engine optimization (SEO) seems complicated…but there are easy ways to simplify it. In this 30-minute course, digital marketing expert and CEO of NorthWing Digital, Kyle Scott, removes the mystery of SEO and shows you how to get results.

Kyle Scott 5 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Easy Website Wins

Value: $197 Included!

Ready to up-level your website quickly without rebuilding the whole thing? In under 20 minutes, digital marketing expert and CEO of NorthWing Digital, Kyle Scott walks you through some easy website wins that anyone can do.

Kyle Scott 5 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Wildlife Valuation - San Juan Sessions

Value: $197 Included!

Wildlife can be lucrative, but does it build business value? In this exclusive mini-course, Paul Giannamore, Managing Director of the Potomac Group, and his Boardroom Buzz co-host Patrick Baldwin share what investors look for when buying.

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons M&A

Accounts Receivables

Value: $197 Included!

Accounts receivable (AR) is a mission critical business function—you’ve got to get paid! Inside this easy to digest 12-minute course, Seth breaks down the basics of AR and how to stay on top of it to ensure your business succeeds.

Seth Garber 3 Lessons Accounting

Learning Through Failure

Value: $197 Included!

Failure is an inevitable part of success. In less than 10 minutes, pest expert Matt Eikman, CEO of Abra Kadabra Environmental Services, shares how his organization learned to turn failure into an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Matt Eickman 5 Lessons  

Building a Wildlife Referral Network

Value: $197 Included!

Ready to grow your wildlife business in a big way? In under 30 minutes, this course gives you the secret to scaling a wildlife organization—building a professional referral network that gives you a consistent flow of inbound leads.

Seth Garber 4 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Weekly Sales Meetings

Value: $197 Included!

No one likes wasting time in unproductive meetings that could have just been an email. In 30 minutes, Seth shares how to create real value in your weekly sales meetings. Follow these 4 steps, and your team will thank you!

Seth Garber 8 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Scheduling for a Backlogged Wildlife Team

Value: $197 Included!

From communicating with customers to exclusion, wildlife work can be challenging. In just 15 minutes, Matt Eickman, CEO of Abra Kadabra Environmental Services, shares how his growing pest control company added a highly successful wildlife team.

Matt Eickman 6 Lessons Wildlife

Financial Basics

Value: $197 Included!

Accurate finances are a necessary challenge in business. You can’t succeed without a solid grip on your money matters! Start with this lightning-fast, easy-to-understand breakdown of financial basics with expert CPA, Jordan Chadwick.

Jordan Chadwick, CPA 1 Lessons Accounting

Building Your Teams Greatness

Value: $197 Included!

Knowing what’s best for your team starts with understanding what they want. In just half an hour, Sarah Latyn, Training and Quality Assurance Coordinator at Evolve YT, walks through how to build an incredible team starting with practical tools and ex

Sarah Latyn 5 Lessons Hiring

Technician Customer Interaction

Value: $197 Included!

Welcome to one of our most-requested topics: how should technicians interact with customers? In less than 15 minutes, Seth shares top industry secrets learned over many years of consulting with businesses like yours to achieve world-class customer se

Seth Garber 4 Lessons Customer Service

The Perfect Job Description

Value: $197 Included!

Recruiting top talent feels difficult, but it doesn’t have to be! In under 30 minutes, Seth shares insider tips and tricks to writing the perfect job description that will have top talent knocking at your door, wanting to work with you!

Seth Garber 7 Lessons  

Developing a Customer Service Representative

Value: $197 Included!

Customer service representatives are the #1 most important people on your team when it comes to determining success. In about 30 minutes, this course walks you through the simple, high-level steps for building a great CSR team.

Seth Garber 9 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Technician Compensation

Value: $197 Included!

It’s challenging to hire and retain great technicians but having the right compensation plan in place can really help. In this half-hour course, Seth shares traditional compensation options as well as fresh tactics from other industries.

Seth Garber 8 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Google Ads 101

Value: $197 Included!

Google Ads is a powerful tool for quality leads, but it’s also an easy way to waste $. This 45-minute course with digital marketing expert and CEO of NorthWing Digital, Kyle Scott, gives you the steps to make Google Ads work for you.

Kyle Scott 10 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Increasing Customers Rates

Value: $197 Included!

If you’re not increasing prices year over year, you’re losing money. Price increases are a sensitive topic but vital to protect your business. In just 36 minutes, this course offers several strategies for raising prices while adding customer value.

Seth Garber 8 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Bundled Services

Value: $197 Included!

Pest Daily members asked for it, so we built this helpful course on using bundled services to boost your pest control business! Learn what bundles are, how to create them in ways that work, and whether bundled services are right for your company.

Seth Garber 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Corporate Tax - The Basics

Value: $197 Included!

When setting up a company, it’s important to understand the potential tax implications of various business structures: c-corp, s-corp, and partnership. In this course, CPA and WIPFLI partner, Cory Vargo, breaks down the basics of corporate tax.

Cory Vargo 5 Lessons Accounting

Building a Good Creative Ad

Value: $197 Included!

When you set out to build a good creative ad, there are 6 important things to consider. In this course, in under 10 minutes, PestCon LMM CEO and advertising expert Adam Allen shares how to build an ad that works.

Seth Garber 7 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Roles and Responsibilities - Marketing

Value: $197 Included!

When building a marketing team or hiring an agency, it’s critical to get the right people in place, doing the right things, to achieve the results you want. In about 30 minutes, this course shares 6 key marketing roles and their responsibilities.

Seth Garber 7 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Roles and Responsibilities - Sales

Value: $197 Included!

When you’re ready to grow your business, it’s all about hiring the right people. Especially when it comes to sales—the foundation of your organization’s potential. In under 30 minutes, this course covers key sales roles and their responsibilities.

Seth Garber 7 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Wildlife Management - Inbound Sales Calls

Value: $197 Included!

Wildlife management is—well—a species all its own! If you deal with wildlife in your pest control business, this 20-minute course is for you. Seth walks through the inbound call process that will maximize your returns on this unique service.

Seth Garber 7 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Wildlife Inspection/Sales Process

Value: $197 Included!

As a WCO, you often deal with big dollars and big challenges. In this 18-minute quick hit course, Seth shares industry secrets for scaling your business by creating a consistent process.

Seth Garber 4 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Facebook - The Basics

Value: $197 Included!

Ever wonder how other business owners get their ads on Facebook? Learn to build a successful Facebook ad campaign for your growing business in this quick 15-minute course taught by ad expert and PestCon LMM CEO Adam Allen.

Adam Allen 2 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Fundamentals of Business Evaluation and Acquisitions

Value: $197 Included!

If you’re interested in learning more about business acquisitions, this course is for you! Inside, expert Paul Giannamore, Managing Director of Potomac Pest Control Group (an industry-leading investment bank), shares the basics.

Paul Giannamore 8 Lessons Accounting

Drive Revenue in The Winter

Value: $197 Included!

In under 45 minutes, learn how to drive revenue—even in winter! Seth shares practical, industry-proven tips to even out your cashflow through the slower season with unique programming, revenue cycle management, and other handy tricks of the trade.

Seth Garber 10 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Residential Script Development 130.7

Value: $197 Included!

Great call scripts are one of the fastest and easiest ways to grow your pest control business. This 35-minute course delivers practical tips on how to create meaningful residential scripts for various types of calls.

Seth Garber 5 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Advertising Basics

Value: $197 Included!

As a business owner, you get calls all the time from reps trying to sell advertising. In this course, PestCon LMM CEO, Adam Allen, shares how to get the most bang for your advertising dollars by reaching only the consumers you want to serve.

Adam Allen 2 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Going from $0 - $200K

Value: $197 Included!

When you’re building your pest control company to hit $200,000 in revenue, you will hear a lot of conflicting strategies. In under an hour, this course delivers tactics proven to help grow your business to $200K and beyond!

Seth Garber 12 Lessons  

Specialty Sales - Senior Living

Value: $197 Included!

In less than an hour, Seth walks you through the fast-growing Senior Living industry. Learn about the continuum of care and how to differentiate your business in ways that matter to these communities. Plus, bonus tips on how to get in the door!

Seth Garber 11 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Understanding SEO

Value: $197 Included!

When you’re ready to level up your pest control business, it’s time to focus on search engine optimization, or SEO. In this course, SEO expert and PestCon LMM CEO, Adam Allen, walks you through how to get the most bang for your SEO buck.

Adam Allen 18 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Service - What to Measure

Value: $197 Included!

When your pest control service is great, your business naturally thrives. But how to measure that? In just 20 minutes, Seth shares the 6 key metrics that will help you drive up service efficiency (and margins).

Seth Garber 7 Lessons Customer Service

Call Center - What to Measure

Value: $197 Included!

Want to improve your call center’s performance and customer satisfaction? In this 26-minute course, customer experience and call center expert, Eric Sims, walks you through the key call center metrics your pest control company needs.

Seth Garber 8 Lessons Outsourcing

Customer Service - What To Measure

Value: $197 Included!

Customer service success equals business success. In just 15 minutes, this course gives you four key metrics to gauge the success of you customer service efforts. Nail these, and the results will amaze you!

Seth Garber 5 Lessons Customer Service


Value: $197 Included!

You asked for it; we built it! In just minutes, this course gives you a feel for which organizations will best fit your networking goals. Based on your ideal customer, Seth gives you tips to maximize networking opportunities in the industry.

Seth Garber 15 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Specialty Sales - Home Owners Associations - Small

Value: $197 Included!

Here’s yet another course our members asked for! In just 20 minutes, Seth walks you through how to land an HOA account that can absolutely transform the future of your pest control business.

Seth Garber 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Selling Home Owners Associations (Large)

Value: $197 Included!

This is another course our members asked for! In just 35 minutes, Seth walks you through how to land corporate HOA accounts. Take what you learn here and transform the future of your business!

Seth Garber 7 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Marketing Metrics - The Basics

Value: $197 Included!

Marketing can get complicated! Seth helps to break it down for you. In just 25 minutes, this course provides the 4 key metrics you need to understand the basics of marketing and make informed decisions.

Seth Garber 7 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Building Your Business Plan 108.1

Value: $197 Included!

Your business plan is your roadmap to structuring, growing, and differentiating your pest control business. This course shows you how to write up a solid plan, from start to finish.

Seth Garber 10 Lessons Finance

Handling Objections - Technician 188.1

Value: $197 Included!

You asked for it, so here it is! In about an hour, this course takes the most common objections that our members shared with us and shows you how to handle them successfully.

Seth Garber 12 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Perfect One on One

Value: $197 Included!

To bond with your team members, having regular one-on-one meetings is key. In half an hour, this course walks you through the perfect, easy template for a successful one-on-one every time.

Seth Garber 9 Lessons Human Relations (HR)


Value: $197 Included!

Pest control is challenging, but it’s also one of the most rewarding and exciting industries to be a part of! When you need a bit of motivation, Seth Garber of Pest Daily delivers in these short, perspective-shifting videos.

Seth Garber 5 Lessons Human Relations (HR)

Driving Revenue - New Business 121.9

Value: $197 Included!

This course hits the high-level tactics that will save you time and drive dollars. You’ll learn about all the best, quickest, cheapest ways to generate new business as a small or individual operator with revenue less than $1 million.

Seth Garber 7 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Operating System - EOS and Traction 515.1

Value: $197 Included!

Growing your business as an entrepreneur can be challenging. In just over an hour, this course shows you how implementing an entrepreneurial operating system (EOS) can bring massive positive changes to your pest control business and your life!

Jonathan Bowman 9 Lessons  

Build A High Performance Sales Team 118.6

Value: $197 Included!

In less than 45 minutes, this course teaches you how to find and hire the right people, equip them with the tools they need to succeed, and motivate and manage them well to keep them happy. You’ll also get strategies for rewarding high performers!

Seth Garber 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Hiring Your Next Technician 103.2

Value: $197 Included!

In these videos, you’ll find great ideas for recruiting, ways to differentiate your business and pull in the right candidates, plus the exact steps to follow for a hiring process that works for your company.

Seth Garber 8 Lessons Hiring

Customer Experience (CX) 501.1

Value: $197 Included!

In under 20 minutes, this course walks you through 8 steps to building a responsive, legendary CX that will turn your customers into ambassadors for your pest control brand. Drive new business, wow customers, and set your company apart.

Eric Sims 10 Lessons Customer Service

Cross Selling Current Customers 129.6

Value: $197 Included!

Cross selling to current customers is the cheapest, best way to grow your pest control business with little extra effort! This 34-minute course gives you easy ways to cross sell to current customers on various interactions.

Seth Garber 5 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Personality Profile - DISC 221.1

Value: $197 Included!

Understanding personality types helps you communicate with and motivate people effectively. In under an hour, this course gives you the basics of the DISC Personality Assessment and how to use it to benefit your pest control business.

Seth Garber 5 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Setting Goals - SMART 191.1

Value: $197 Included!

Setting goals helps you get where you want to go, in business and in your life. In under half an hour, this course guides you through the SMART methodology to make your goals specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound.

Seth Garber 8 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Outsourcing 561.1

Value: $197 Included!

In under 30 minutes, this course walks you through what a contact center is, what they can do for your pest control business (regardless of the size of your company), and how to choose the right outsourcing partner and contact center provider.

Eric Sims 7 Lessons Hiring

Selling Specialty Commercial Pest Control (MLA) 125.14

Value: $197 Included!

This 30-minute mini course helps you differentiate your company when selling to organizations with multiple locations. Multiple location accounts (or MLAs for short) are one of the greatest revenue generators for your company!

Seth Garber 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Selling Specialty Commercial Pest Control (Retail Centers) 125.15

Value: $197 Included!

This 34-minute mini course helps you differentiate your company when selling to retail centers. These are shopping centers with multiple businesses housed in one facility, and they have unique concerns. They’re also a huge revenue generator for you!

Seth Garber 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Selling Specialty Commercial Service (Small Healthcare) 125.13

Value: $197 Included!

This 16-minute mini course helps you differentiate your company when selling to doctors’ offices and small healthcare facilities.

Seth Garber 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Selling Specialty Commercial Pest Control (Banks) 125.17

Value: $197 Included!

In this half-hour mini course, learn how to land meetings and wow prospective banking industry clients. With these tips, you’ll close more deals with financial institutions—large, long-term deals that can transform your pest control business.

Seth Garber 6 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Sales Metrics 261.1

Value: $197 Included!

In order to make good decisions, you need good data. The right data leads to the right decisions and activities, which then lead to the results that you want. The metrics provided in this course will ultimately help you close more business!

Seth Garber 9 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Generate New Business - Individual Operator

Value: $197 Included!

In just 35 short minutes, this course teaches you everything you need to know about how to maintain and grow your business! Set yourself up for the future—starting right now—by learning how to generate new business in these fun and easy ways.

Seth Garber 4 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Understanding a PEO (Professional Employer Organization) 528.1

Value: $197 Included!

Your time is valuable! PEOs are strategic partners for your pest control business that take high-risk administrative tasks (like HR) off your plate. In just 18 minutes, this course walks you through exactly what a PEO is and what they can do for you.

Patrick Moraites 5 Lessons Hiring

Understanding Your Customer 223.1

Value: $197 Included!

To connect with customers and sell successfully, you need to first understand who they are and what is important to them. In under an hour, this course guides you through building profiles for your ideal customers.

Seth Garber 10 Lessons Sales/Marketing

Some Basics 101.1

Value: $197 Included!

With just a little extra effort and consistent execution, you can get more customers and grow your business fast. This sweet little 28-minute course gives you tried-and-true tactics to generate leads from inbound calls, current customers, and even wh

Seth Garber 5 Lessons  

Episode 1 - Deals, Contingencies, and Gotchas

Value: $197 Included!

Welcome to the Buzz! Co-hosts Paul Giannamore and Patrick Baldwin kick off the podcast with a chat about how pest control transactions are different from those you see in other industries.

Patrick Baldwin 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 5 - The King of Route Density

Value: $197 Included!

Step into the Boardroom with former CEO of Triple S Services, Tony Sfreddo. At one point, his business was servicing accounts like the Pentagon, the CIA, and the US Supreme Court and generating $267K per technician per year in the DC metro area. How?

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons  

Episode 6 — A Rare, First-of-its-Kind Conversation with Independent Wall Street Equity Research Analyst James Clement

Value: $197 Included!

James is an important part of co-host Paul’s inner circle and one of his go-to guys for insight on the pest control industry. For many years, the two have talked shop in private. In this episode, you’ll get to listen in on one of their discussions.

Patrick Baldwin 1 Lessons  

Episode 10 - Killinsworth From Trailer to #37 on PCT Top 100

Value: $197 Included!

When Mike took the leap to buy Killingsworth Environmental, he began operations out of a double-wide trailer. A decade later, he had quadrupled revenue to almost $24 million. Mike’s story is truly a rags-to-riches tale for the ages.

Seth Garber 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 12 — A Conversation with Transaction Attorney Mike Stanczyk on M&A Agreements

Value: $197 Included!

Seth Garber 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 13 — Incentive Structures, Opportunity Costs, Mindset and the Great Terminix/Copesan Disengagement

Value: $197 Included!

In this episode, co-hosts Paul and Patrick shoot the breeze about a variety of business issues, including what’s going on with Terminix pulling millions of dollars from Copesan partners and affiliates. You’ll want to tune in!

Patrick Baldwin 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 14 — Buy-Side: “The Opposite”

Value: $197 Included!

Although Buzz co-host Paul’s true love is advising companies when it’s time to sell, he also used to work for one of the largest buyers in the world. Listeners have plenty of questions about the “buy side” of the table, and Paul will be answering!

Seth Garber 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 15 — Tim Mulrooney, Rockstar Analyst of Pest Control

Value: $197 Included!

Tim Mulrooney gives investment advice to companies that are worth nearly $1 trillion combined, but he spends over half his time focusing on pest control and the industry’s key players. There’s plenty to learn from a guy like that.

Seth Garber 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 16 — Socialized Pest Control and Intrastate IPOs

Value: $197 Included!

What do you get when you put four pest control bald guys in a room? This podcast episode! The group has lots of opinions, and you’ll hear all about them. With a dash of sports lingo on the side.

Seth Garber 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 17 — A Sell-Side M&A Discussion Puts Patrick Under the Interrogation Lamp - Part 1

Value: $197 Included!

Boardroom co-hosts Paul Giannamore and Patrick Baldwin dive into a role play scenario where Patrick attempts to negotiate a business sale. Can he keep up with sell-side master Paul?

Seth Garber 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 18 — From $250K to PCT Top 100 to an Exit: The Curious Case of Brandon and Brian Lunsford

Value: $197 Included!

The Lunsford brothers took over their father’s pest control business in their early 20s and turned it into one of the fastest growing companies in America. Step into the Boardroom for this tale of inspiration, trial and error, and family business.

Seth Garber 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 19 — Private Equity in Pest Control

Value: $197 Included!

There comes a time when a business owner might be asking themself if it’s time to sell. But how much of your business should you sell? How much control do you want to keep? Listen in to hear how the Clairvest duo is thinking about their options!

Patrick Baldwin 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 22 — Open Book: A Transparent Conversation with Jeff Annis and Dena Thomas from Advanced Services

Value: $197 Included!

Unique. Innovative. Culture-focused. Accountable. It’s hard to pin down a single reason why Jeff Annis and Dena Thomas have had such sustainable success with Advanced Services. That won’t stop the Buzz crew from trying!

Patrick Baldwin 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 23 - The Stockholm Sessions, Part 1: Svein Olav Stölen, Turn Around Artist & Former Nomor CEO

Value: $197 Included!

What makes the COO of a Swedish retail coffee chain make the jump into pest control ownership? Listen as the Buzz crew learns how Svein Olav not only made that leap, but also brought a company back from the brink of bankruptcy.

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 24 - The Stockholm Sessions, Part 2: ‘Swedish Beast’ Jarl Dahlfors, President and CEO Anticimex

Value: $197 Included!

In this episode of the Buzz, co-host Paul literally steps into the Anticimex boardroom in Stockholm and sits down face-to-face with Anticimex CEO Jarl Dahlfors. Ah, to be a fly on the wall...

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 25 - Jim McHale, CEO of JP McHale Pest Management, Steps into the Boardroom. Is the Buzz finally ready?

Value: $197 Included!

In this Boardroom conversation, you’ll listen in on pest control leaders who have known each other for over ten years. Employee engagement, innovation, and running a multi-generational business all with a side of humorous banter.

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 26 - Benchmarking, Integrating, and the Great P&L Giveaway

Value: $197 Included!

Enter the Boardroom to hear why an industry leader measures success internally more than externally, and what a profit and loss statement can mean for your business. With a giveaway!

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 27 - ‘The Tax One’: Top 20 Accounting Firm Partner Cory Vargo Proves his Worth in the Boardroom

Value: $197 Included!

It might seem hard to make a show about taxes exciting, but the Boardroom is never boring! This talk with tax pro Cory Vargo is no exception.

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons Accounting

Episode 28 - Family Business Realities: The Good, The Bad, and the Unproven with Jeremy Kreer

Value: $197 Included!

Listen in to the Boardroom as they learn the story of Jeremy Kreer and Advanced Pest Management. Through family turmoil, Jeremy and his brother Nam became full-time 3rd generation owners of the family pest control business.

Patrick Baldwin 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 29 - Sage Advice on Life, Relationships and Business with Mike & Debbie Rogers of Killingsworth

Value: $197 Included!

Hang out with the Boardroom Buzz crew as they chat with Mike and Debbie Rogers of Killingsworth and discuss life, business advice, relationships, and funny stories of pest control days gone by.

Patrick Baldwin 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 30 - John Myers, CEO of Rentokil North America: On Growing a $1.5 Billion Pest Control Business

Value: $197 Included!

Hang out with the Buzz crew and John Myers, President and CEO of Rentokil North America, as they talk about growing a multi-billion-dollar pest control business. John scaled a regional pest control company to a national empire, and he’s here to share

Patrick Baldwin 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 31 - The Stevenson Sessions, Part 1: Scott Stevenson, the Modern Ambassador

Value: $197 Included!

Scott Stevenson, Co-President & CRO of Modern Pest Services, joins the Buzz crew to chat about his expansive career and current role at Modern, plus key industry topics like subscription billing, service frequency, culture, and acquisitions.

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 32 - The Stevenson Sessions, Part 2: CFO Doug on Modern's Moneyball

Value: $197 Included!

Join the Buzz as we continue with the Stevensons, Part 2. Hear how Doug, who serves as Co-President & CFO, and his brothers grew Modern Pest Services to an $18 million-dollar business before selling to Anticimex.

Patrick Baldwin 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 35 - Twas the Listeners' Show of 2020

Value: $197 Included!

Join the Buzz crew for a festive episode where they cover the gamut (the grinder that’s been 2020). From knowing when to sell to how the virus has affected prices, markets, and business overall, the Boardroom merrymakers wax (mostly) philosophical.

Patrick Baldwin 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 36 - 2020 M&A Wrap-Up, Channel Partners, Joint Ventures and Patrick Preps Paul for a Board Meeting

Value: $197 Included!

The new year is here at last, but before we can move forward let’s take a look at where we’ve been. Board Member Paul reflects on all he’s learned from The Buzz and how it has changed his perspective, while Patrick recalls cringiest past moments.

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 37 - Five Stars for Pest Control Pioneer Shelby Hawkins

Value: $197 Included!

Pest control pioneer Shelby Hawkins enters the Boardroom to tell the Buzz crew how determination brought her from food stamps to financial freedom. Even in her retirement, Shelby is practicing what she preaches: get out of your comfort zone.

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 38 - The Dennis Rodman Paradox in Pest Control

Value: $197 Included!

What does a 90’s basketball star have to do with Pest Control? If anyone can make that connection, you know it will happen in the Boardroom! Tune in to find out.

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 39 - The Routing and 4-Day Workweek Wizard, Pam Blauvelt of Griffin Pest Solutions

Value: $197 Included!

Listen as the Buzz crew talks with Pam Blauvelt of Griffin Pest Solutions about operational efficiencies that changed the way we do business. She was forced to implement a four-day workweek and turns out, it was just crazy enough to work.

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Episode 40 - Expect the Opposite: The Sell-Side M&A Discussion Continues

Value: $197 Included!

In life, you learn to expect the unexpected. As a negotiator, you expect the opposite of the expected. Join as the Buzz crew talks sticky negotiations in a business sale, what’s going on in the minds across the table, and when to ask for advice.

Paul Giannamore 1 Lessons Boardroom Buzz

Meet your Pro Plan course instructors!

David Gilmer

As vice president of client integration, David Gilmer is in charge of developing cutting-edge educational content and providing expert guidance and support to Pest Daily members. During his 20-plus years in the pest control industry, Gilmer has developed a deep understanding of service operations, technology development and departmental integration and enjoys using his knowledge to help business owners grow their organizations. Driven by a passion for advancing the industry through education, innovation and community building, Gilmer is eager to continue exploring new ways to enhance the value Pest Daily delivers to its members.

Kyle Scott

CEO, Northwing Digital

NorthWing provides digital marketing and lead generation services to pest control companies across the nation. He is excited to contribute to Pest Daily with the goal of educating pest control operators on how to become better marketers. In a space with a lot of conflicting advice and complicated topics, Kyle's goal is to provide actionable, tactical advice to allow operators to make better market decisions and/or communicate more effectively with their marketing agency."

Seth Garber


Seth has been involved in the pest control industry since 2008 in multiple capacities including and Owner, Investor, Technology Provider and Consultant. Seth has successfully assisted dozens of pest control companies in achieving exponential growth ranging from 50-300% year/year. As the lead contributor and founder of Pest Daily, Seth is determined to create the most holistic business learning platform in the industry.

Nick Bartolo

CEO, Essential Partners

Nick Bartolo, Founder and Managing Partner of Essential Partners, has over 20 years of investment experience. He was a Managing Director at International Value Advisers, focusing on global equities and fixed income, and previously a Senior Vice President at Trust Company of the West, handling domestic equities. He is also a managing member of Rational Capital, a venture capital firm. Bartolo holds an MBA with Beta Gamma Sigma Honors and a Bachelor's in Accounting from USC, and is both a CFA Charterholder and CPA. He guest lectures at USC's MBA program and is involved in the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation and the Finance Committee of the Village School in Pacific Palisades.

Joe Jonovich

CEO - Technical Pest Solutions

Joe has a Master’s degree from the University of Florida’s Entomology and Nematology Department. Joe has been in the Pest Management industry for over 25 years. He has owned his own company, worked for a large manufacturer, worked as a technical director for a PCT Top-20 company, and is currently a consultant and expert witness for the pest management, hospitality, and related fields. Joe’s clients range from start-ups to pest management companies with over $60 million in revenue. He assists them with development of training, protocols/procedures, contracts, quality assurance, and management programs.

Cameron Smith, CPA

Finance Director - FRAXN

Cameron Smith has always loved working with numbers so it was almost a given that he’d turn his passion into a career. After earning an undergraduate degree in business administration and a master’s degree in accounting from Baylor University, he worked as a CPA for several accounting firms before joining FRAXN as its director of finance. Now, he enjoys supporting pest control owners by helping them take control of their finances and strategically grow their businesses. In his spare time, Smith likes to play golf, cheer on Baylor’s athletic teams, travel and spend time with friends and family.

David Johnson

CEO, Covenant Services

David has 25 years of proven sales and management experience in several industries, a successful track record of building and sustaining strong customer relationships and developing and executing strategies for long and short-term growth both globally and domestically.

Trey Minsky

Wildlife/Pest Control Commercial Insurance Advisor

In servicing over 1,300 wildlife and pest control professionals across the country, Trey’s goal through Pest Daily is to educate its listeners on ways to improve their overall insurance program though an enhanced understanding of coverages, rating structure, risk transfer strategies and loss control implementation.

Dave Otteson

VP of Pest Control Lending, Live Oak

Vice President of pest control lending at Live Oak, brings over 20 years of SBA financing expertise to the team. He states, “It can be a challenge to find a banker that understands the nuances of the pest control industry and is well-versed in the SBA’s loan programs. With our dedicated team and business model, Live Oak solves that dilemma. While we are early in the venture, we are hearing from our customers that there is a need,”

Paul Giannamore

Managing Director

Paul is recognized as the leading global authority on valuation and M&A in the pest control industry by institutional investors, Wall Street equity research analysts and the largest firms in the industry.

Matt Eickman

CEO, Abra-Kadabra Environmental Services

Matt is owner and CEO of Abra Kadabra Environmental Services, based in the Twin Cities. His goals for his business transcend pest control, aiming to provide opportunity for employees, their families and the community through his business. His brand of focused effort plus business humanization has helped his company grow exponentially in the past couple years, and its growth is on pace to continue expanding.

Jordan Chadwick, CPA

Managing Consultant

Jordan is a managing consultant in the accounting outsourcing services practice at BKD CPAs & Advisors. He provides manager and controller level advisory services for small to medium-sized businesses in a variety of industries. Jordan also assists clients with implementing technologies to streamline business processes such as QuickBooks Online and Jordan has experience in auditing and consulting as well as several years of experience serving as an accounting manager and controller for various organizations.

Sarah Latyn

Training and Quality Assurance - Evolve YT

Sarah Latyn, has been passionate about both bugs and helping people for as long as she can remember. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Rutgers University in Biological Sciences with a minor in Entomology. In 2018, she received her Master of Business and Science degree with a focus on Global Agriculture from Rutgers University to address food insecurity throughout the world. Sarah has also extended her quality training into Evolve YT’s course offerings where she is responsible for educating students on leadership tactics and tools to help them grow as professionals. When she isn’t working or studying, Sarah loves to shop, workout, sit on the beach, and hangout with her cats. Currently, Sarah is pursuing her Master of Science in Entomology at the University of Kentucky.

Cory Vargo

Tax Partner - CPA

Cory Vargo is a Tax Partner at Wipfli LLP, a national consulting and accounting firm. Cory works with many pest control companies on their recurring tax and non-tax accounting needs, and commonly gets involved when a business is thinking about selling or in the process of negotiating a sale to a prospective buyer. Cory focuses his tax practice on M&A consulting and complex corporate compliance matters, including entity choice planning.

Adam Allen

Co-Founder & CEO

Adam is the CEO and Founder of PestCon LMM, a division of LeaseMyMarketing. After working in corporate marketing for nearly 20 years with national brands like Trane, Wells Fargo, Penn State University, and more, he’s applying those same learnings to his work with pest control owners to drive growth through the use of cutting-edge digital marketing technology. PestCon LMM provides turn-key solutions for website development, lead generation, and local marketing all supported with a best-in-class online dashboard

Jonathan Bowman

Certified EOS Implementer

Jonathan has helped over 25 companies achieve Traction, including his own business. In his Home Care business, when growth stalled following two years on the Fast 50, Jonathan implemented EOS in his company, doubled the business and sold to a private equity company 3 years later. Jonathan credits EOS for saving his company and his marriage and is passionate about helping entrepreneurs live a happier, move fulfilled life and grow a self-sustaining company. He is proud to bring EOS to the pest control industry.

Eric Sims

CEO - Leading Edge

Eric is a Contact Center Outsourcing expert who specializes in business development, sales, customer engagement, employee retention, technology solutions and enhanced human operating systems. He currently serves as the Co-Founder and CEO of Leading Edge Connections . A revolutionary business approach to outsourcing contact center business that provisions solutions in such a way to keep their clients on the leading-edge of success. Eric has deep experience helping pest control companies scale up their customer service operations.

Patrick Moraites


Axis Group is one of the Nation's largest PEO Master General Agencies (MGA’s) supporting over 2000 property and casualty (P&C) agents across the country and representing more than 100 PEOs. Patrick has deep experience with supporting pest control companies in identifying opportunities in reduction of worker compensation and increasing employee satisfaction.

Patrick Baldwin

Patrick spends most of his time producing The Boardroom Buzz while consuming Chick-Fil-A and Milk Bottle Cookies. He defines success by delivering the most interesting and thoughtful people into the Boardroom each week. Some have accused Patrick of producing 'art', and not just a podcast. Patrick Baldwin has been in the pest control industry for over 12 years. He is a partner in the largest privately-held pest control company in Central Texas, His firm was awarded the Rising Star Award by PCT magazine in 2019. While at, Patrick has fulfilled various roles including sales, management, franchise development, software director, and CEO.

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